Honnavar is well known for its rich bio-diversity. As per data from Honnavar Forest Division between 1984 to 2023 total of 112063 Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Eggs were conserved and 54850 hatchlings were released into the sea.
However the Karnataka Forest Department for some reason not providing data specific to Tonka beach but clubbing it together with Karki, Pavinkurve & Hadipur Region. Between 2012-13 to 2022-23 they say that 14441 Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Eggs were conserved and 7386 hatchlings were released into the sea.
Here is the GPS mapping of official data of 2022-23 from Karnataka Forest Department:

Research & Studies
There are little research and studies available historically. However its not too late and we are trying to do more now!
By Aman Gupta, Amulya M, Rudre Malik, Sarayu Sharma (Students from ATREE Bengaluru)
A Fact-finding Report on the reprisals faced by indigenous fisher folk from Kasarkod opposing the Port project
Carry out your Research around Honavar
Looking to carry out research or academic activities in Honavar?
Honavar Foundation is happy to help with information and local connects.
Contact Us and tell us how we can help you 🙂